Donald Trump an thu buai a neih thar hma dan hremi a rawih former prosecutor Joyce Vance chuan, Trump an Classified Documents chung chang audio tape a sawi pui te mahse Security clearance nei si lo te chu “the smoking gun piece of evidence” atih sak.

Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation ten Trump hekna chi 37 an ti chhuak, sawrkar rawih dan hre mite chuan Trump hian ram chhung thu pawimawh tawp khawk enkawl fimkhur lo leh , sawrkar thu pawimawh ti bahlah tu an ti

49-page indictment ah hian sawrkar dan hre miten Trump an audio recording July 2021ah a neih a tel , Bedminster, New Jersey ah writer, publisher & a staff te 2 a bia “highly confidential” record a sawi pui.

Audio clip 1 phei chu evidence tha lutuk ani tlat , classified documents President anih tawh loh hnua a kawl tawh lo tur te a hmuh . Heng documents a kawl zingah hian America in ram hming thup beih a tum te a hmuh tel an ti.

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